Organic Strawberry Limeade

glass of strawberry limeade in front of a pitcher of limeade

Steve has been working really hard this week to landscape our backyard. He started on Saturday morning and had to stop by mid-afternoon because of torrential rain. I think we got at least an inch of rain.

So, now he’s no longer working in the dirt, he’s working in the mud. It’s so wet that he couldn’t do anything yesterday.

Did I mention that he hates working in the dirt (and mud)? That’s probably why it’s taken us 15 years to get around to this project. When the project is finally done it will be beautiful, but Mother Nature is NOT making this easy!

Here’s a picture of the progress and the muck that Steve has to deal with:

So on to the Strawberry Limeade. Since Steve was working so hard outside, I thought it would be nice if I made him something cold and refreshing to drink.

I decided that Strawberry Limeade would be tasty. I wanted to make it a relatively healthy beverage, so I used all organic ingredients and I sweetened it with organic agave instead of sugar.

It turned out to be very refreshing, light and not overly sweet. I thought it would also be perfect to serve at a Mother’s Day brunch, a graduation party or a shower.

Organic Strawberry Limeade

glass of strawberry limeade in front of a pitcher of limeade

Ingredients Needed to Make Organic Strawberry Limeade

  • 1 cup fresh squeezed organic lime juice (about 6-8 limes)
  • 1 lb organic strawberries
  • 1/2 cup organic agave, more if you like it sweeter
  • cold water

To juice the limes, put them in the microwave for about 30 seconds to soften them up and then roll them on the counter. Cut the tops off of the strawberries and quarter them. Put them in a blender with about 1/4 cup of water, blend until pureed.

Strain strawberry puree through a fine mesh strainer. Pour strained puree and lime juice into a 2 quart pitcher. Add agave and combine.

Finally, fill the pitcher with cold water. Taste to make sure it’s sweet enough and adjust, if necessary.

glass of strawberry limeade in front of a pitcher of limeade


Shared at these great blogs:

Mandy’s Recipe Box

It’s a Keeper

Miz Helen’s Country Cottage

The Country Cook

Gooseberry Patch

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  1. Wow! That looks so refreshing! I love raspberry limeade, but you’ve convinced me to try a strawberry limeade.

    Have a great day!

  2. Delish! Thank you, thank you, thank you for another summer drink for my boys. Thank you for sharing on Thursday’s Treasures Week 33! <3 and hugs dear!

  3. Hi Lisa,
    Your landscaping project looks like some of ours, it just takes”time”. I just love your Strawberry Limeade, it looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

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