Green Beans with Pancetta and Onion

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I can’t believe that in just one short week our house is going to be overtaken by movers as they load up all of our belongings and we move our lives from the east side of town to the west side of town. I’m really excited to get into our new house, there are so many reasons why this move across town is a good idea.

But, it is very strange to be leaving this house that we’ve lived in for almost 17 years and there are a few things I’m really going to miss about living here. We’ve got some great friends in our neighborhood and I am going to miss all of those impromptu get togethers we’ve have over the years, although I’m confident we will continue to make great memories with each other.

I’m NOT looking forward to all of the unpacking and trying to find a new place for everything….and then trying to remember where that new place is when I need to find something. But, I am looking forward to making this new house our new home and putting our own personality into it. Once we have some semblance of organization, I’m looking forward to sharing lots of pictures with you!

Now….enough about moving, let’s talk about green beans. Christmas is just around the corner and the planning must continue. Every year I host Christmas Eve dinner at our house with my side of the family.

Over the years, the menu has remained fairly unchanged because that’s the way my family likes it. I’ve always made green beans, making little tweaks along the way.

I finally settled in with these green beans with pancetta and onion a number of years ago and everyone loves them. I love them because they’re a quick and easy side dish that’s packed with flavor.

To make this side dish really easy, I usually saute the pancetta, onion and garlic ahead of time. Then, right before we’re ready to eat, I steam the green beans in the microwave, reheat the pancetta mixture and toss everything together.

Green Beans with Pancetta and Onion

  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 4 oz pancetta, finely diced
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 lbs green beans, trimmed
  • salt
  • pepper

Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add pancetta, onion and garlic.

Saute until pancetta is crispy and onion is tender, about 5-7 minutes.

Meanwhile, place green beans in a microwave dish, cover with plastic wrap and microwave on high for about 3-4 minutes, until tender.

Add steamed green beans to the skillet and toss with the pancetta mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Shared at these great blogs:

The Country Cook

Gooseberry Patch

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