Frozen Hot Chocolate

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Can you believe there’s only five more days until Christmas?! With our move, I didn’t even start my shopping until this past week and it’s been pretty interesting.

I only sort of know where things are in the area and I certainly don’t know all of the ins and outs of getting around, so it’s been a little comical. I actually drove around looking for a particular store (which was listed on the shopping center’s web site) for at least 20 minutes and finally came to find out that it wasn’t even in the area! Come on people….update your shopping center’s web site!

After my shopping frustrations, this frozen hot chocolate was a perfect treat. It’s so incredibly rich and full deep dark chocolate flavor. To get that rich chocolate flavor, I used semi-sweet chocolate chips and Hershey’s special blend cocoa powder which is a combination of regular and dutched cocoa.

 It’s also a snap to make, after taking about 1 minute to melt the chocolate chips, you blend everything together in the blender and you have an amazing dessert in a glass!

Frozen Hot Chocolate

  • 1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup Hershey’s Special Blend cocoa powder
  • 2 cups 1% milk
  • 4 cups ice
  • whipped cream or Cool Whip (optional)
  • crushed chocolate chips (optional)

Combine sweetened condensed milk and 1 cup chocolate chips in a mixing bowl.

Microwave on high for 30 seconds. Remove from microwave and stir well. Microwave for an additional 30 seconds. Stir well, until all of the chocolate has melted.

Stir in cocoa powder.

Spoon mixture into a blender (mixture will be very thick). Add milk and ice to blender.

Blend until completely smooth. Pour into 4-6 glasses and top with whipped cream and crushed chocolate, if desired. Serve immediately!


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The Country Cook

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