The February 4×4 Cooking Challenge: 4 Home Cooked Meals x 4 Weeks and a Giveaway


Join me for a month long cooking challenge AND a great giveaway!!

The February 4x4 Cooking Challenge: 4 Home Cooked Meals x 4 Weeks and a Giveaway

I have a confession to make…..I was in a cooking rut.  I was lacking both inspiration and motivation, which led to us eating out as many as four (or more) times a week.  FOUR.TIMES.A.WEEK.  That’s just too many times.  Something needed to change.

To try and get out of this rut, I started doing something that I’ve never really done before – meal planning.  I’ve never really liked the idea of meal planning as it seemed like a big commitment to write down on Sunday what I was going to have for dinner on, say, Friday.  But I decided to give it a shot and I will tell you, it’s been LIFE CHANGING.  I know that may sound dramatic, but it’s true!

Once I started planning out my meals for the week, I felt so much more organized.  I found it’s actually great to know exactly what’s going on for dinner all week long.  Since I know ahead of time what’s on the menu for the week, I only need to go to the grocery store once a week, instead of the usual two to three times a week.  That’s a huge time saver and I’m also finding it’s saving me money because I’m only buying the things I need for the recipes that I’ve planned.

Meal planning has been going so well for me that I decided it would be fun to invite you all to join me in a four week cooking challenge.  I want to challenge you to join me and commit to cooking dinner at least four times a week.  The challenge will start on Monday, February 5th and end on Sunday, March 4th.

To kick things off, I’m going to give one lucky reader an Instant Pot.  If you want a chance to win, all you need to do is leave me a comment by Monday, February 5th letting me know that you want to join the cooking challenge.  It’s that easy!  This contest is now closed.

I’m hoping that after four weeks of consistent meal planning we’ll all have established a habit and it will become second nature to plan our menus out a week at a time.  To help us all out, I’ll be posting lots of delicious recipes to give us all some meal inspiration during the month of February.  I also have a printable meal planner for you to write down your meal plan week by week.

The February 4x4 Cooking Challenge: 4 Home Cooked Meals x 4 Weeks and a Giveaway

Also…..please make sure you sign up for our emails over in the side bar to ensure you don’t miss any of the recipes in February!  The first post to get us started will be available February 1st and will have lots of recipe ideas to get you started with your meal plan.

So what do you say?  Are we in this challenge together?  Let me know!!









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  1. I’m always up for a challenge and really enjoy spending time in the kitchen preparing meals for my wife and kids. Their favorite is my homemade pizza!

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